Debugging democracy: open data for political integrity in Europe

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Political corruption subverts democracy and undermines people’s trust in government. Transparency is key to ensure that policymakers do not give preferential treatment to specific interests, distorting policies, institutions, and rules of procedure to cater to the needs of the few instead of the many.

From conflicts of interests of elected officials to undue influence by lobbyists and foreign interference in political finance, the consequences of political corruption can be dire. Each scandal fuelling the perception of widespread corruption within our democratic institutions. With the COVID crisis reinforcing pre-existing deficiencies in enforcing political integrity, Transparency International has developed a series of online tools designed to empower citizens, civil society, journalists and national authorities to detection and prevention of political corruption in eight EU Member States.

Together with our national European chapters, we analysed the resulting 18 datasets on lobbying, financial interests and political finance. Discover our report which highlights severe shortcomings in ethics regimes of France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Slovenia, and Spain as well as in the European Commission and the European Parliament.

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Giovedì 26 novembre 2020
13.00 - 15.00

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